Famvin Media Resources
What do you love about being a Sister of Charity?
Here are some videos from a series called “Why I love the SCLs” (Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth).
October 27: Sisters of Charity Federation of North America #UnstoppableCharity
A video to watch in celebration of the anniversary of the Establishment of the Sisters of Charity Federation of North America.
Elizabeth Ann Seton: American Saint
From DePaul University, a video Q&A session by the author Catherine O’Donnell who has written the first biography of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in over 65 years.
Sts. Vincent and Louise: Brought Together According to God’s Plan
On that day in May of 1629, neither Vincent nor Louise was aware of just how far that journey of service leadership would take her nor of its ramifications for the Church and for the service of generations of persons in need.
Vincentians from St. Louis, Missouri Share a Story (Video)
For reflection: Watch as St. Vincent de Paul society volunteers from St. Louis (Missouri, USA) form a friendship with someone in need of help.
St. Louise de Marillac: Her Life As Parable
What lessons can be learned by observing key points in the life of St. Louise de Marillac? SlideShare presentation with Bible references.
St. Vincent de Paul: Journey To Freedom
SlideShare presentation: by the time of the founding of the Congregation of the Mission, St. Vincent was a completely free man, fully given over to the will of God.
St. Vincent Called Her the First Daughter of Charity
Marguerite Naseau lived and died in the service of those who were poor and suffering, “her heart filled with joy and conformity to God’s will.” (CCD IX:66)
St. Vincent de Paul and the Organization of Charity
St. Vincent did many things right, from a modern perspective of organizational theory and practice. SlideShare presentation.
St. Vincent de Paul: What Moved Him Towards Those Who Are Poor?
There are few questions more mystifying than those about motivation. What motivation drove St. Vincent de Paul?