The Past and Future of the Vincentian Spirit (third and final part) #famvin2024
Third and last part of the article written by Jaime Corera, in which he reflects on the legacy of St. Vincent de Paul and the future implications of his spirituality, addressing both its past and its evolution into the future.
Vincentian Eyes (Luke 12)
An often-cited quote from Dale Carnegie: “Two men looked out from prison bars. One saw the mud, the other saw stars.”
What Jesus Saw In the Temple
Jesus is doing what he always does in the gospels. What catches his eye and draws his heart are those in most need: those who need forgiveness. Jesus sees the widow.
Contemplation: To Be Vincentian
The Essential Elements of the Society—Spirituality, Friendship, and Service—are equal, inseparable, and essential to its identity, as they unite members in a shared mission of faith-driven charitable action.
Defeat Is Triumph; To Die Is to Live
Jesus empties himself and humbly obeys, to the shameful death on the cross. So, God lifts him up, fills him with glory. Through him, with him and in him, defeat is triumph.
The Vincentian Congregation: A Mission Rooted in Charity and Service
The Vincentian Congregation, founded in 1904 in India by Father Varkey Kattarath, is a religious community inspired by St. Vincent de Paul, dedicated to evangelization, service to the poor, and spiritual renewal, with a mission rooted in charity and global outreach.
On November 13 We Celebrate the Feast of Saint Agostina Livia Pietrantoni
Saint Agostina Pietrantoni devoted her life to serving the sick and ultimately became a martyr of charity. Her example of selfless service, sacrifice, and love led to her canonization by Pope John Paul II in 1999, becoming the patron saint of nurses.
The Greatest Importance of the World Day of the Poor
Pope Francis, for the 8th World Day of the Poor, has chosen the motto “The prayer of the poor rises up to God” and calls to intensify solidarity and charity in an unequal world. This day, November 17, invites the Church to reflect on all forms of poverty and to take concrete actions in favor of the most vulnerable.
Firewood for the Soul: A Friendly Face
A weekly reflection for all the Vincentian Family, from Australia.
A Vincentian Minute: Vincentian Thoughts 05
Fr. Rooney reflects on the small ways of remembering that we are Vincentians. This week: “Leaving God for God”