The Greatest Importance of the World Day of the Poor

by | Nov 11, 2024 | Formation | 3 comments

Pope Francis has chosen a very meaningful motto for the 8th World Day of the Poor, this year dedicated to prayer: “The prayer of the poor rises up to God” (Sirach 21:5). In his message, the Pope reminds us once again that the poor have a privileged place in the heart of God, who is attentive and close to each one of them. God listens to the prayers of the poor and, in the face of their suffering, is “impatient” until he does them justice. In fact, the Book of Sirach affirms that “the judgment of God will be in favor of the poor”.

The next World Day of the Poor will be celebrated on November 17, 2024, and the Holy Father will preside, as usual, at the Eucharistic celebration in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican. Afterwards, a special lunch will be offered for people in need. On this same date, he will also conclude the Second Convocation of the Vincentian Family, a great event that brings together the world’s Vincentian leaders, who reflect with the Holy Father on this date so significant for all of us.

Pope Francis’ message for the 2024 World Day of the Poor invites the whole Church and the faithful to renew their commitment to solidarity, especially in a world marked by inequality, selfishness, vanity and materialism. Francis recalls that charity and care for the poor are fundamental pillars of the Christian faith, encouraging the promotion of actions that transform the suffering of the most vulnerable into concrete hope. The Pope stresses that commitment to the poor is also a form of evangelization, since it allows the Church to bear witness to the love of Christ by welcoming those who suffer.

For the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP) and the entire Vincentian Family, this message reinforces the essence of the Vincentian charism, whose mission is to see Christ in the poorest and neediest. We are called to intensify our actions of service, not only by offering material help, but also by offering a close and fraternal presence to those in vulnerable situations. This call to service and compassion is deeply in tune with Vincentian values, inspiring us to continue to be instruments of social and spiritual transformation.

The World Day of the Poor is not only addressed to the material poor, but to all forms of poverty, including spiritual and moral poverty. In this way, since we all experience some form of poverty, this date also offers us a moment of reflection and self-knowledge, inviting us to recognize our own needs and to find in Christ the strength to serve with love and compassion.

This week, which precedes November 17, is a special invitation for all Vincentian Conferences and branches of the Vincentian Family, as well as for parish and diocesan communities, to focus their pastoral activities on the needs of the poor in the region, through concrete signs of charity, sharing and prayer. In addition, it is suggested to promote educational and awareness campaigns on the multiple forms of poverty in order to strengthen the commitment of all to the construction of a more just and inclusive society.

Renato Lima de Oliveira
16th President General of the SSVP (2016 to 2023).
Currently, SSVP Commissioner at the United Nations.




    Thanks for the information. PG will observe this important day 17th November 2024

  2. Patrick Ebhojie

    This is great and a beautiful reminder for all those involve in charity work to rededicate themselves to serving the poor and they needy with absolute love and compassion. It is a call to deep prayers and reflection beseeching God to grant us the grace to fulfil this noble task.

  3. Kim Emmanuel

    Many thanks for this well articulated write up which calls for sober reflection on our Vincentian Apostolate.
    Sure to be there in that gathering and hope to see you. Thanks.