Beatitudes for Vincentian leaders
Beatitudes for Vincentian leaders
Ascension-Pentecost: Good-byes As Blessings – T. McKenna
Ascension and Pentecost give us many lessons. One of them is to teach us that there are farewells that can turn to blessings, types of good-byes we can give that keep on giving.
Praying with the Daughters of Charity in Assembly
You can join in praying with the Daughters of Charity in Assembly as each day they reflect on quotes from St. Louise.
The many meanings of “Vincentian Family”
The many meanings of “Vincentian Family”
Learning to pray as a Daughter of Charity (Video)
Video about learning to pray as a Daughter of Charity
What is Vincentian Spirituality?
What is Vincentian Spirituality?
With clasping roots running deep into the ground, a tree grows strong and tall
The Ascension of the Lord (B), May 17, 2015 – Acts 1, 1-11; Eph 1, 17-23 or 4, 1-13; Mk 16, 15-20 The surpassing greatness of his power for us (Eph 1, 19) The Son of God goes up to heaven. He brings humanity with him, for whose salvation he came down from heaven....
Sacrificial Loving – Jesus Is Our Torch – Ascension of the Lord – Jesus Conquers Evil Through Us
Sacrificial Loving – Jesus Is Our Torch – Ascension of the Lord – Jesus Conquers Evil Through Us
Friendship and Evangelization in the Vincentian Tradition
Many was the time when people told us during missions that the obvious unity and affection of the confreres not only edified them, it added real credibility to what we had to say.
“Looking to Heaven” – Fr. Pat Griffin
Yes, even now, in this Easter Season, we pray: “maranatha,” “Come, Lord Jesus.” We look to heaven for that glorious advent.