The Systemic Change That Began In Mary’s Womb
Have you ever thought of the birth of Jesus as the greatest systemic change?
O Antiphons and Systemic Change – Day 1
Sr. Ellen LaCapria, DC offers her artwork of O Antiphons with some basic notions of Systemic Change. Day 1.
Help from the Always Faithful and True
Jesus Christ, our Savior, is Emmanuel, “God-with-us.” In him and through him, God goes with us and gives us the help that we need. Ahaz, the king of Judah, fears the combined armies of Syria and Israel. And yet he turns down God’s offer of help, for he refuses to do...
Vincentian Prayer Images: Inconveniencing Ourselves In Serving the Poor
Do we have the generosity to inconvenience ourselves when serving the poor?
What is Sharing?
To be a Vincentian means that we not only share our material possession but that we also be an evangelizer and share our spirituality with others.
Blessed Némésia Valle: “Open Heart and Open Arms”
December 18 is the feast day of Blessed Némésia Valle, a Sister of Charity of St. Jeanne Antide Thouret, a branch of the Vincentian Family.
Vatican Appointment Evokes Legacy of St. Louise de Marillac
Hailed as a “first-of-its-kind” move, the announcement in early July by Pope Francis that women would become full members of the Vatican’s office that oversees religious orders was greeted enthusiastically around the world.
Does “Keep Christ in Christmas” Miss the Point?
What can we do to bring the Christ of the Gospels back into Christmas in a way that is more than a bumper sticker slogan that ends up being mainly a political football?
A Canadian View: Our Lady Of Guadalupe – December 12
Our Lady of Guadalupe brings together Indigenous and non-Indigenous Catholics from all the Americas.
A Vincentian View: A Generous Heart
Sometimes you see something that captures your imagination and dominates your thinking for a while. That happened to me recently.