The Countdown Begins: Less Than a Month Until We Meet in Rome #famvin2024

October 20, 2024

The Countdown Begins: Less Than a Month Until We Meet in Rome #famvin2024

by | Oct 20, 2024 | Famvin 2024, Featured, News | 0 comments

Time is ticking, and we’re less than a month away from the long-awaited Second International Gathering of the Vincentian Family, which will take place in Rome from November 14-17, 2024. Under the theme “Keeping the Fire Burning: Vincentian Synodality in Action,” this event will bring together hundreds of people who share the charism of St. Vincent de Paul. Excitement is building as registrations are filling up quickly, and those who have not yet signed up are in a real race against the clock.

An Anticipated Event with Synodal Hearts

Synodality, a key word in today’s Church, takes on a special meaning within the Vincentian Family. It’s not just about walking together but doing so with a deep awareness of our common mission: to serve the poor, the marginalized, and those most in need of Christ’s love and mercy. This November’s Gathering aims to strengthen these synodal ties, where all members from the different branches of the Vincentian Family can share experiences, testimonies, and renew their commitment to the Gospel through the Vincentian charism.

Rome, with its rich Christian history, will be the ideal setting for reflecting on the future of our work in a global context. The chosen theme, “Keeping the Fire Burning,” invites all participants not to lose the passion for service, dedication, and love for others, especially the poor.

Registrations are Moving Fast, but There’s Still Time

Since the announcement of the Gathering, expectations have been high. Around the world, Vincentian groups have been preparing to participate, and the number of registered attendees has been growing rapidly over the past months. However, while registrations are well underway, there’s still time to sign up!

For those who are considering attending but haven’t yet made the move, this is the perfect moment. The deadline is fast approaching, but the doors are still open. The official website,, has all the necessary information to complete your registration. The process is simple, and it will allow you to be part of this historic event alongside other members of the Vincentian Family from around the world.

Why You Shouldn’t Miss This Opportunity

The November Gathering isn’t just another meeting; it’s a unique opportunity to fully experience synodality within the Vincentian Family. Beyond the conferences, workshops, and moments of prayer, this event offers the chance to share our faith, struggles, and hopes with other brothers and sisters who also live the charism of St. Vincent de Paul.

Moreover, during the Gathering, Cardinal Michael Czerny, SJ, will deliver an address that will undoubtedly leave a deep impression on attendees. Cardinal Czerny has been a key figure in social justice and migration issues within the Church, making him an ideal speaker to reflect on how our Vincentian mission intersects with the challenges of today’s world.

Keeping the Fire Burning

This is a crucial moment for the Vincentian Family. Pope Francis has emphasized the importance of a synodal Church, one that listens and walks alongside its people. Along these same lines, the Gathering seeks to be a reflection of that synodality, where each of us has something to contribute. The experiences shared in Rome will be essential fuel to “keep the fire burning” in our communities and our works of charity.

The Vincentian Family has always been committed to active love, a love that manifests itself in service to the poorest. St. Vincent de Paul reminded us that “love is inventive unto infinity.” This creative and dynamic spirit of charity is what we want to continue fostering, especially in a world that continues to face humanitarian crises, injustices, and poverty.

In this context, synodality is not just an abstract concept but a reality that we must live out daily in our communities and in our service. The Gathering in Rome will be a space to renew that passion for service, to listen to the voices of our brothers and sisters, and to find new ways to make Christ’s love present in the world.

How to Participate

If you haven’t yet registered, we encourage you not to leave it until the last minute. The Gathering’s website,, provides all the necessary information to complete your registration. It’s a quick and easy process that will secure your place at this important event. You’ll also find details about the program, planned activities, and logistical aspects of your stay in Rome.

Final Reflection: A Call to Action

There are only a few days left before the Gathering begins, and with them comes the opportunity to join this historic moment for the Vincentian Family. This is not just an event but a renewed commitment to our shared mission. This gathering will allow us to practice synodality, to walk together, to learn from each other, and to strengthen our dedication to the poorest and most vulnerable.

Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this transformative event. Rome is waiting for us, and with it, the chance to be an active part of a Vincentian Family that continues to grow, learn, and serve. If you’ve already registered, congratulations on your decision. If you haven’t yet, now is the time. The clock is ticking, but there’s still time to sign up.

See you in Rome!


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