Operation Overhaul 2024

October 14, 2024

Operation Overhaul 2024

by | Oct 14, 2024 | News, Vincentian Marian Youth | 0 comments

Vincentian Marian Youth Southeast Missouri (SEMO) leads an annual mission trip called Operation Overhaul, where we serve those in poverty. This year, Vincentian Marian Youth SEMO brought 137 people to Dubuque, Iowa, to complete several home renovation projects. From June 9th to the 15th, VMY devoted our time and talent to seven work sites, where we replaced roofs, floors, siding, windows, doors, and much more. We turned houses into homes by painting, staining, and improving landscaping. While renewing the homes, students grew close to the homeowners they were serving, revealing to them the love of Christ. St. Catherine Laboure, a Daughter of Charity, is recognized for serving those in poverty, specifically veterans. Following in her footsteps, this year, most of the homeowners served were veterans disabled from giving themselves for the freedom of others.

Service to the poor is only one of the goals of Operation Overhaul, followed closely by faith and community. Faith Formation for the participants included daily Mass, night prayer, a walking rosary, adoration, and the opportunity for confession. Every night, young adults gave formative talks revolving around this year’s theme, “Sowing Seeds of Virtue,” which focused on the Cardinal Virtues. The week was spent in fellowship, where we labored, prayed, and laughed in community. Following evening formation, students bonded, playing games that brought joy and team building. A community was built through daily meals, late-night card games, and our collective journey to become faithful Catholics in today’s world.

In going to Dubuque, as any year, we learned that if there are troubled people, we should love them. If there are people who are forgotten, we should see them. If people need help, we should offer our hands and serve them. It takes an army to make an impact in the world. By the grace of God and the support of so many, we have found ourselves with something greater than an army- a family. To learn more about Vincentian Marian Youth SEMO and our mission in faith, check out our website, vmysemo.org.

VMY United States of America


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