A new Beginning for Families affected by the Fuego Volcano Eruption in Guatemala

Javier F. Chento
October 6, 2024

A new Beginning for Families affected by the Fuego Volcano Eruption in Guatemala

by | Oct 6, 2024 | News | 0 comments

From the Famvin Homeless Alliance.

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On May 1, 2024, a significant milestone was reached as 32 families affected by the devastating Fuego Volcano eruption in Guatemala received the deeds to their new homes. This initiative is part of the “13 Houses” Campaign, an international Vincentian Family project aimed at addressing homelessness worldwide. The Campaign, executed locally through the “Bienvenido a Casa” (meaning “Welcome Home”) housing project, not only provides dignified and safe shelter but also offers support to help transform lives.

The eruption on June 3, 2018, left many families homeless and displaced. Amid this tragedy,  Sister Francellie Pérez, Daughter of Charity and project coordinator, emphasized the significance of this moment: “This project is about restoring dignity to each person. From the beginning, we envisioned a project that promotes systemic change and involves beneficiaries directly, making them active participants and agents of transformation of their lives. Community formation was essential, ensuring the initiative benefits not just individuals but everyone involved. Today, by handing over the deeds, we are giving these families not just houses but homes where they can feel secure“.

The emotional weight of the day was palpable. Mildred Teresa, a beneficiary who lost her entire family in the eruption, expressed her deep gratitude. “Today we are happy because we have a house, a dignified roof for our children, and a safe home,” she said. “The tragedy marked our lives forever. I lost my two daughters, Jenifer and Mildred. But today, I thank God for guiding us to this new beginning“.

The project was a collaborative effort, made possible by the hard work and dedication of the Vincentian Family, volunteers and other organizations including the International Association of Charities (AIC), the Daughters of Charity, the Congregation of the Mission, and the Conference of Religious of Guatemala (Confregua). National and international donors also played a crucial role in making this dream a reality. You can watch the video of the project HERE:

Josefina de Palmieri from AIC highlighted the collective effort: “We started supporting the Vincentian Family’s work right after the eruption. Sister Francellie Pérez’s leadership was instrumental in the construction and development process. We also built infrastructure for a roadside market where families can sell food and crafts, fostering economic independence. Now they can stand on their own, fully exiting the cycle of poverty”.

The new community in Parramos, Chimaltenango, consists of 32 homes with reinforced concrete, PVC doors and windows, and essential utilities like water, drainage, and electricity. The homes provide a safe haven for these families to rebuild their lives.

The event on May 1 was not just about families receiving property titles, but celebrating a new chapter of their lives. It was a day filled with hope, joy, and gratitude. As Sister Francellie Pérez said, “This project was made possible by many generous hearts, both organizations and individuals. Together, we have given these families a place to call home“.



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