Rome – More than 100 religious people for a culture of protection from abuse

December 14, 2023

Rome – More than 100 religious people for a culture of protection from abuse

by | Dec 14, 2023 | News

90 religious congregations of men and women at the Fraterna Domus in Sacrofano (Rome), from Nov. 6 to 10 2023, gathered for a week sponsored by the Care and Protection Commission of the Unions of Superiors General (Uisg/Usg).

For the Sisters of Charity, General Councilor Sister Solange participated.

“The atmosphere of trust, openness and sharing” as stated in a note from the organizers, “helped create an environment in which participants were able to reflect, ask questions and engage in rich sharing at the tables.

A highlight of the workshop was hearing the testimony of two abuse survivors, “The pain and effects of the abuse they suffered were evident in what they shared. And that has to have an impact on how a culture of protection should be created and lived out as an evangelical culture.”

The workshop was experienced as a synodal path, with participants and speakers taking time to reflect together on each day’s contributions.

Uisg and Usg members are committed to fostering a culture of protection and modeling this evangelical culture in their respective congregations and ministries.




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