Journey Through Lent With Saints Vincent and Louise (March 09)

Famvin Media Resources
March 8, 2023

Journey Through Lent With Saints Vincent and Louise (March 09)

by | Mar 8, 2023 | Formation

Today’s quote:

…What shall we do in those circumstances except to will what Divine Providence wills, and not will what God does not will? During my wretched prayer this morning, I conceived a great desire to conform my will to everything– good and bad, general suffering and personal suffering– that happens in this world, because God wills it, since He sends it… Let us therefore strive to conform our wills to God’s Will in this way; peace of mind will be one of the many great benefits that will result from it.

Vincent de Paul (Volume: 6 | Page#: 493) To a Priest of the Mission

Why did Jesus teach us to pray “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”?


Quotes sources: Saint Vincent de Paul / Correspondence, Conferences, Documents; Brooklyn, NY: New City Press, 1999; Pierre Coste, Editor. Spiritual writings of Louise de Marillac. Edited and translated from the original French edition by Louise Sullivan, D.C. Brooklyn, New York: New City Press, 1991.


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