Vincentian Priesthood as Missionary

Famvin Media Resources
July 8, 2022

Vincentian Priesthood as Missionary

by | Jul 8, 2022 | Congregation of the Mission, Formation | 1 comment

“All aim at loving God, but they love Him in different ways: Carthusians by solitude; Capucians by poverty; others again by singing his praises. But we, my brothers, if we have this love, are bound to show it by leading the people to love God and their neighbor….”
– St. Vincent (CCD XII:214)

In an article in Vincentiana, Fr. Robert Maloney, C.M., explains that St. Vincent chose to focus on the model of the priest as missionary.

“For Vincent… Jesus the priest is most of all the missionary of the Father, the Evangelizer of the Poor.”

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1 Comment

  1. Joseph Bellacosa

    So impressive, evocative & tech proficient – WOWZAHH
    Thank You & Well Being,
    Joe Bellacosa

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