Meeting of the Vincentian Family in Botswana

Vincentian Family Office
November 16, 2019

Meeting of the Vincentian Family in Botswana

by | Nov 16, 2019 | News, Vincentian Family | 1 comment

On October 12, 2019, the Vincentian Family in Botswana met at Divine Mercy Parish in Metsemotlabe.

Participants included the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth SCN, and their Associates, and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP). The celebration was organised by the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth SCN.

The meeting started at 9 am with a presentation by Fr. Tshiamo. The topic was” Baptised and sent to evangelize.” Thereafter, we had tea which was provided by the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth.

This was followed by the Eucharist, which was presided by Father Tshiamo. In his homily, Father urged all members of the Vincentian Family to make every effort to reach out to the poorest of the poor in Botswana. At the end of the celebration, two lay people committed themselves to serve the poor for a period of one year with the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, SCN.

After launch, the two branches of the Vincentian Family in Botswana, the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth and their Associates, and the Society of St Vincent de Paul, met to discuss how the Family could be formed in Botswana.

Sister Malini made a presentation on the Vincentian Family. Sister Malini talked about the different branches of the Vincentian Family, stressing the fact that each branch maintains its identity, but collaborates with the others in order to reach out to as many people who are in need. Sister Paulinah Antwi, stressed the importance of Botswana joining the Vincentian Family.

Three members from the Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul are among the members: Brother Eric Danso – the Vice President of the Council of Botswana (he informed the members that he was sent by the National President of Botswana to represent her); Brother Danso also attended the first meeting of Vincentian Family with the Vincentian Family Coordinators, Father Flavio and Brother Sylvester.

Sister Benita Kenosi is the National Formation Officer for the members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society in Botswana. Sister Benita’s was concerned about the Society’s ability to recruit new members since at the present time the current members are finding it difficult to recruit new members to join the Society of St Vincent de Paul. Therefore, starting another group will not be easy.

Sister Paulinah, a member of the Society, explained to the participants that there would be no need to recruit new members. The two branches of the Family would have to work together in order to reach out to to the less fortunate people in Botswana. The Vincentian Family in Otswana can also collaborate with other Family members outside Botswana.

Sister Anne Khulemeka, who is the NationTwinning Officer, was also present.

An open discussion helped members to understand what the Vincentian Family is all about. The participants asked Sister Nalini SCN, to write to the Superior Council of the Society and invite them to a meeting in which the two branches can discuss the formation of Vincentian Family in Botswana.

At God’s appointed time, all things are good! To God be the glory and honor!


1 Comment

  1. Dee Mansi

    Congratulations! Vincentian Family Botswana for gathering. May your collaboration in serving the poor together will be very blessed.

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