La Moskitia (Honduras), Mission Area

Vincentian Family Office
September 23, 2019

La Moskitia (Honduras), Mission Area

by | Sep 23, 2019 | Missions inter gentes, News | 1 comment

For more than 80 years, the missionaries of the Congregation of the Mission have been present in the communities of the Honduran Moskitia people, populated mostly by indigenous people (miskitos, tahuascas, pechs). It is a demanding mission because of the large size of the territory and the geographical conditions, as well as the small number of missionaries.

It has been a grace to come to know this mission … the hard work done by the missionaries who gave their all to announce the Gospel in this region, and the admirable spirit of those who continue this ministry. Because of distance, the contact with each community is not frequent. In many of these communities, the Eucharist might be celebrated no more than three or four times a year. Nevertheless, during each visit the missionaries animate the community, especially the pastoral agents who maintain the evangelizing work. The communities have a deep sense of faith, which encourages the missionaries to continue to reach out to these people and to nourish their faith, which is expressed in the living of the sacraments, the desire to listen to the Word of God and the willingness to accompany one another to the various meetings and activities.  Everything is not perfect and on occasions there are great trials (climate, distance, the lack of pastoral agents, health problems), nevertheless, the Moskitia is a mission with a true purpose. I thank God and the Congregation of the Mission for allowing me to live our charism … a charism for which I want to give my life as I continue to follow the example of Saint Vincent de Paul. In experiences like this, what I learned in the seminary acquires value. May God continue to encourage many people for the mission.

Diego Andrés Triviño Forero
(Colombian seminarian ministering during his year of pastoral experience).

Tags: Honduras

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