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Missions inter gentes

Vincentian Mission Overseas: Update from Ethiopia

The Ambo Lazarist Deaf School was opened in 2012 by the Vincentian Community, with the support of the Vincentian Lay Missionaries (VLM), Castleknock College, Misean Cara and Ethiopia Deaf Project.

La Moskitia (Honduras), Mission Area

For more than 80 years, the missionaries of the Congregation of the Mission have been present in the communities of the Honduran Moskitia people.

Missionary Call of Father Tomaž Mavrič, C.M.

As every October, the Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission (CM) has written a letter to all the members of the CM requesting their generosity, both personal and material, to continue the work of evangelization in different parts of the globe. The...

From Bella, home from Kitale

We sure are blessed peoples!! Here is a video from this summers goodness in Kitale!