Presenting the Famvin Homeless Alliance to the Vincentian Family in Central America

Javier F. Chento
July 20, 2019

Presenting the Famvin Homeless Alliance to the Vincentian Family in Central America

by | Jul 20, 2019 | News

The FHA ambassadors work in a wide range of projects all over the world supporting homeless people. Father Luis Camarena, CM attended the meeting of the Vincentian Family in Central America. 

The meeting of the Central American Vincentian Famliy (FAVICA) took place in San Salvador, El Salvador, from June 7-9. During this weekend we had the chance to share our realitiy regarding Central American poverties. And also to explore what possibilities we have as a Family to move forward as a network of charity.

During this meeting, the Central American Council gave me a space on the agenda of Friday 7th to share with and encourage the 41 members gathered about the Alliance and the 13 Houses Campaign. I made a Power Point presentation and handed out the “13 Houses” leaflet. I found out that only five out of 41 people present knew about the initiative. I encouraged them to take the project on board as a Family, by countries or as a region. Then we had time for questions and comments.

The seed has been planted in each of the branches attending the meeting: Daughters of Charity, AIC, AMM, JMV, SSVP, CM, Sor Cecilia Charrín Foundation, Children of Saint Louise, MISEVI and “las Luisas de Marillac.”  Only the representation from Panama was missing. From Mexico came Ligia Ferráez, from AIC and president of the Vincentian Family in Latin America (FAVILA).

May God and Saint Vincent bless you

Father Luis Camarena, CM
FHA Ambassador


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