Celebrations of the Vincentian Marian Youth in Madagascar
WYD Madagascar 2018
The World Youth Day in Madagascar, or national WYD 2018, took place from October 8 to 14, 2018, in MAJUNGA.
The theme was: “Aza matahotra ry Maria fa sitrak’Andriamanitra Ianao” (“Do not fear, Mary, because you have found grace before God,” Lk 1, 30). Cardinal Desiré TSARAHAZANA said: “Do not be afraid to give witness to your faith to your loved ones, to strengthen your faith during WYD. You will be messengers to your family, your society, and your church. Do not succumb to temptation but rather fight evil with good.”
330 members of the Vincentian Marian Youth in Madagascar, from different dioceses, participated in the various activities that took place during WYD, for example, the celebration of the Eucharist, the Stations of the Cross. Eucharistic adoration, exhibitions, pilgrimage to holy and historical sites, etc.
Anniversary of VMY Bethany
The celebration of the 21st anniversary of the Vincentian Mairan Youth in the parish of BETANIA, diocese of Tuléar, took place during the feast of Saint Catherine Labouré, on Sunday, December 2, 2018. The celebration of the Eucharist included the participation of more than 200 members of the Association.
Source: http://www.secretariadojmv.org/
Tags: Madagascar