Promoting a Sense of God-Given Self-Worth

Famvin Media Resources
November 2, 2018

Promoting a Sense of God-Given Self-Worth

by | Nov 2, 2018 | Formation, Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Ozanam House is a community resource center in Dublin, Ireland operated by the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, which offers programs and courses that develop skills and provide support in a wide variety of areas.

Watch this video interview with the manager of St. Vincent de Paul’s Ozanam House, Tony Rock, about the support the center provides to the community in inner city Dublin. See how this is a replicable model of systemic change (Vincentians: think about what it would take to start a similar center in your local area.) From their website: “We offer individuals, young and old, the opportunity to build the confidence and self-belief to develop and grow, so that they and their families can have a better future.” Those who serve also benefit– the people who volunteer grow in many ways as well.

To learn more about their programs visit their website.

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