Making a Social Media Checklist

Aidan R. Rooney, C.M.
July 31, 2018

Making a Social Media Checklist

by | Jul 31, 2018 | Formation, Social, Social Media

There are lots of social media checklists out there.

Social Media checklist

 Rebekah Radice via Michael Patterson, of Sprout Social put me on to this (with my little changes):

1. Finish Any Outstanding Tasks

Are there any customer support tickets or inquiries lingering from the day prior?

Make sure to finish these first since those customers have already been waiting and deserve a response.

2. Respond to Inbound Social Messages

Check your inbox to see if any new social media messages have come through that require your response.

Continue to monitor your inbox throughout the day and make sure you’re engaging with inquiries in a timely manner.

3. Monitor and Respond to Untagged Mentions

Not every person who mentions you or your group on social will tag your page directly. Monitor social media for your  keywords to find conversations that you should join.

Here’s an example of the restaurant Jimmy John’s finding and joining a conversation about their brand that didn’t directly tag them.

4. Find and Engage with Potential Stakeholders

It’s key to track keywords about your group/society, but it’s also a good idea to track adjacent keywords as well since they often indicate when someone is looking to get involved. If you identify those instances, you can join the conversation.

To build off our above example, Jimmy John’s may monitor social media for a keyword like “delivery” or “slow delivery”, then engage with any messages mentioning those phrases.

5. Load Your Social Media Content Calendar

Publishing engaging, relevant content is one of the best ways to grow your following, and to keep your current following engaged with you and your mission. Take some time to search for great content and schedule your social posts months or weeks in advance to stay ahead.

If you don’t have a content process in place check out this article all about how to create a unique social media calendar.

Try a social media scheduling tool like Sprout to help you build out your content calendar.


The frequency with which you should schedule to the various social networks isn’t universal, but here are some jumping off points:

  • Post 6-9 times per day to Twitter
  • Post 1-2 times per day to Facebook
  • Post 1-2 times per day to Google+
  • Post 1-3 times per day to Instagram
  • Post 1-2 times per day to LinkedIn

6. Stay Up-to-Date on the Social Industry

Social networks are constantly updating their functionality. If you want to stay out front you should monitor and understand those changes and make the necessary changes in your strategy to make the most of them.

If you’re looking for new social media blogs to follow check out Social Media Examiner’s list of Top 10 Social Media Blogs, which includes:

Read these two articles, put a plan into practice, and watch your audience grow!

The Only Social Media Checklist You’ll Ever Need

Your Daily Social Media Checklist


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