Award for Sickinger's "Antoine Frédéric Ozanam"

Aidan R. Rooney, C.M.
July 14, 2018

Award for Sickinger’s “Antoine Frédéric Ozanam”

by | Jul 14, 2018 | Formation, Spirituality and Spiritual Practice

Antoine Frédéric Ozanam by Ray Sickinger, Providence College scholar and USA SSVP national formation committee member, has won first place for biography from the Catholic Press Association of the United States & Canada Book Awards for 2018.

“Ozanam could very well be the Shakespeare of the indigent.”


The award notes:

The workmanship, organization, and use of language made this biography a notable winner for me. In particular, the many facets of this one man and his relationship and role to others both evolved and expanded its influence. Akin to the scientific evolution of a star…it accumulates material which increases the scope of its brightness. In addition, the use of the term systemic change prior to legacy was a potent and illuminating way of describing a person who lived during a time where the term may not have existed. We see him this way now. Some of us understand what a systemic influencer really is. Lastly, the critics comments were an influence as well. Ozanam could very well be the Shakespeare of the indigent.

Listen to Dr. Sickinger speak about his book.



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