Join the Celebration for Blessed Frédéric!

Aidan R. Rooney, C.M.
September 5, 2017

Join the Celebration for Blessed Frédéric!

by | Sep 5, 2017 | Announcements, News, Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Please join the celebration of the Holy Eucharist on Sept. 9 at 1800h CET broadcasted LIVE from the tomb of Blessed Frédéric Ozanam by OzanamTV!

It would be a great opportunity for us to celebrate his feast day as one community and especially now that we are also celebrating the 20th anniversary of his beatification.

A link to the live telecast will be shared on the social media pages of OzanamTV and SSVP CGI on the same day. See you all and God bless you!

SSVP CGI Facebook

OzanamTV Facebook



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