At Any Age #IamVincent

Aidan R. Rooney, C.M.
January 19, 2017

At Any Age #IamVincent

by | Jan 19, 2017 | Formation, News

We sometimes have an image of Vincentians as adults, or at least young adults, but people can say #IamVincent at any age. Good news is abundant at the St. Vincent de Paul Young Adult Center in Philadelphia(USA).

When you live your faith without this aspect of community and without the aspect of doing service, and living with people are different from you… I think it gives you a really “flat” and comfortable faith, but it’s not a faith that you can grow and live in. But I think the hope is — that that compassion — is a part of our worldview.

All through the year, young people are having transformative experiences. These experiences are available at any age if we make them happen.

Everyone should take this opportunity… and it’ll touch you, and you’ll feel it.. and it’ll change you….Take this opportunity to walk with God in a different way….

Click to find out more about the St. Vincent de Paul Young Adult Center or to speak with its director, Sister Sharon Horace, D.C.

Thanks to Frankie Films and the St. Vincent de Paul Young Adult Center.


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