The Prayer That Led Us To Visit Families • Tales of the Miraculous Virgin

Carmen Valdivia
November 19, 2016

The Prayer That Led Us To Visit Families • Tales of the Miraculous Virgin

by | Nov 19, 2016 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, Formation, Reflections

In a few days, the Vincentian Family will greet the Virgin with special affection in its invocation of “Miraculous.” Surely this month many reflections will be published online, on her history, present, etc.

We invited you to do something different: to tell tales, your story or that of your family, with the Miraculous Virgin. No reflections, but experiences. We are confident that there are many gestures of love and trust in the Virgin within our Vincentian Family. And sharing is another way of making family.

Carmen Valdivia quickly answered. Here you have her story. After it, you have a form where you can write your own, to be published throughout the days preceding the feast of our mother, on November 27. You can do it in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, Italian… no matter the language, we will try to translate it into the languages used in famvin.

Dare to participate! Sure many others want to know of “your” story, to learn to love more and to better follow the example of Mother Mary.

This happened a few months before August 22, 2012. A group of ladies met in a house to pray the Holy Rosary, on Saturdays at 7:00 am,  which we did for a little more than 3 years. On one of these days, while praying in a circle around an image of the Virgin, one of the ladies remained silent, without praying. At the end of the Rosary she told us that she had been speechless, impressed when she saw bare feet in the center of the group and a long, white dress, and as she looked up, she saw hands that hung a Rosary, as if she were praying with us. She did not dare raise her gaze beyond her waist. We understood that it was the Holy Mother.

After a few Saturdays, concentrated in the prayer, the same lady saw next to an image of the Virgin in the wall, a door that opened, and told to me to get up and to cross the door. She was very frightened because she thought I was going to die, since it was a smooth wall where there is no door or window. I said, “Why think it’s a bad thing? Maybe it’s a good thing, something that’s going to happen, that I’ll start and you’ll follow me.”

A few months passed and Father César Chávez called me and asked me to form a group to begin devotion to the Virgin of the Miraculous Medal, a devotion that did not exist in our parish Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza (“Our Lady of Hope”), despite being a Vincentian church. I, after a deep retreat to which my father sent me, gave him my answer and said: “Father César, I do not know where to start. I was afraid, but now I’m sure my answer is yes, because if the Virgin and God has so arranged, who am I, to oppose me, I know that they will help me. ”

And so it was: on August 22, 2012 was founded the group of the ASSOCIATION OF THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL in the parish, of which I am the president from that date until today, and the base of the members were the Ladies who gathered to pray the Holy Rosary in a house. Later, the father gave us this sector (27 and 28) to take charge of evangelization and home visits, which have now spread to other sectors, with the help of our Immaculate Mother of the Miraculous Medal. The ladies mentioned are witnesses to this.

Carmen Valdivia


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    Tales on the Miraculous Virgin





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