Get your Vincentian Telegram Starting Today!

Aidan R. Rooney, C.M.
September 27, 2016

Get your Vincentian Telegram Starting Today!

by | Sep 27, 2016 | Announcements, Social

telegram-from-vincentPeople are signing up for their Vincentian Telegram! Don’t be left out 🙁

Wouldn’t you like to be part of a select group of people who receive a daily “telegram from Vincent”? Why not sign up now and receive daily Vincentian Family quotes and editor-selected .famvin content! It’s simple.

1. Download the Telegram App for your phone OR desktop: there’s a native app for every platform!

2. Search, within Telegram, for the word “famvin”: the channel will appear, and you can join in.

That’s it! Vincent wants to talk to you. Louise wants to talk to you! Frederic wants to talk to you! and so do we! You can even start your own Telgram channel with your friends and colleagues!

Tags: telegram


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