National Friends of the Poor Walk: Sept. 24

Elizabeth Astridge
September 17, 2016

National Friends of the Poor Walk: Sept. 24

by | Sep 17, 2016 | News, Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Help support your local Society of St. Vincent de  Paul Conference and Council by participating in the National Friends of the Poor ® Walk/Run on Saturday, September 24. To find the Friends of the Poor Walk or Run in your area, click here.


The Friends of the Poor® Walk/Run began as a national program with the purpose of providing local Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Conferences and Councils the additional funds to help support their special work projects. Today, that philosophy continues, with Conferences and Councils using the funds from this event to help local people living in poverty.

In 2015, the Friends of the Poor ® Walk/Run attracted over 28,000 walkers, raised over $2.9 million, and had events at 240 different locations across the United States.

The Friends of the Poor® Walk/Run is a national event coordinated by the Development Team at the National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

For questions about the National FoP® Walk Program, please contact Nathan Martin: (314) 576-3993 ext. 218,

Source: The Friends of the Poor® Walk/Run Website


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