Don't forget! Plan, song and images for the 400th Anniversary

Javier F. Chento
August 1, 2016

Don’t forget! Plan, song and images for the 400th Anniversary

by | Aug 1, 2016 | Announcements, News

The entire Vincentian Family is preparing for the 400th Anniversary of the Vincentian Charism, which will be celebrated throughout 2017. You should be, too!

video cancion ingles fb

The former Superior General, Fr. G. Gregory Gay, CM, invited us, in a video, to live this celebration with intensity. Here are some materials that we hope will be useful to the worldwide Vincentian Family, to continue preparing this upcoming celebration.

Video of the Hymn for the anniversary: “The door is open”

Song audio

Download the song lyrics:

The door is open – ENGDownload
Entre et viens – FRADownload
La puerta abierta – ESPDownload
Sheet musicSite 1 (Box) or Site 2 (Scribd)

The song, in different languages:


Official revised logos and alternative logos (different colors), in several languages:

News archive

Do you want to keep updated of what is being published about this celebration? Visit this page to see everything that has been published so far.

Folder with all documentation for the 400th anniversary:

famvin400 library EN


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