CM General Assembly News, Day 12 #AG2016CM
Day 12, July 8: After approving the minutes, the assembly watched a short video from the seminarians of Colombia. They then began the election of the assistants general. The first assistant elected was Aaron Gutierrez. He is 65 years old, the visitor of Mexico, a former missionary in Bolivia and former director of the Daughters of Charity in Mexico. Applause broke out as he accepted the position.
After a break, the assembly returned to the elections of the assistants. Yosief Zeracristos and then Matthew Kallammakal were chosen. Zeracristos, from Eritrea, was first elected to the General Council in 2010 and is the former vice-visitor of the Province of St. Justin de Jacobis (Eritrea). Matthew was appointed to the General Council in 2013 and is the former visitor of North India. Cheers went up in the hall as they accepted.
When the assembly returned after lunch, the Central Commission announced that they were going to meet briefly before reconvening the assembly. After this break, the election for the fourth and final assistant general was held. Miles Heinen of the Vincentian Solidarity Office accepted the position to another round of applause. Miles is 65 years old, was a missionary in Guatemala and worked with Latinos in Arkansas (USA).
The assembly then returned to the final postulatum that was being discussed before adjournment yesterday. The assembly agreed with the commission not to debate the proposal from Italy to change the Constitutions regarding the vow of poverty. With that, the assembly thanked Fathers Eli Chaves Dos Santos and Stanislav Zontak for their service in the General Council and adjourned for the day.
— Jeremy Dixon, cm
Tags: General Assembly 2016
Louvamos a Deus pela escolha do Conselho Geral da CM. Todos sejam iluminados pelo Espírito Santo e Caminhemos com as bênçãos de nossa querida Mãe da Medalha Milagrosa
Abraços da Associação da Medalha Milagrosa Brasil.