Now on Social: Busted Halo for Triduum

Aidan R. Rooney, C.M.
March 22, 2016

Now on Social: Busted Halo for Triduum

by | Mar 22, 2016 | Social

Catholic Christian belief is that all God’s children are “saints in the making.” Everyone is called to aspire toward the holiness and selflessness of a Mother Teresa or Saint Francis. At the same time we are all too often aware that this journey toward sainthood is one fraught with imperfections, struggles, and mistakes. Each of us sports a Halo that is either dented, scratched, tarnished… in some way Busted. Yet God loves us anyway and continually calls to bang out the dents and polish our halos up to a nice golden shine.

Prepare well for Triduum…. from Busted Halo.

Tags: Triduum, video


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