+ Fr. Richard McCullen, CM

John Freund, CM
December 24, 2015

+ Fr. Richard McCullen, CM

by | Dec 24, 2015 | Congregation of the Mission, News | 9 comments

McCUllen 2We just received word that former Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission Richard McCullen, CM died peacefully in his sleep.

From the Curia of the Congregation…

“Father McCullen passed away very peacefully at 6 a.m. this morning. The Visitor had called here last night and spoke with Agus. He told him that Father McCullen was very bad and not conscious. They were sitting with him.

Father Devlin announced that Father McCullen passed away so peacefully that they were almost unaware that he was gone. They knew he was slipping but did not expect him to go so fast. They thought he would see Christmas. There are no arrangements yet, because he has to meet with the family later today. However, he said, with the feast days, the funeral might not be until Monday. Father McCullen has one sister, who is also frail. She saw him yesterday.”

Further details will be posted as they become available…

I once heard a man say that the first question each of us will be asked by Jesus Christ after our deaths will be: “And where are the others?” We don’t go to heaven alone. Every Christian is a missionary: some in mission lands, others in the wide circle of national life, others in the narrower circle of parish life, and others again in the inner circle of family life. Every Christian is a Public Relations Officer for Jesus Christ.(Deep Down Things)


  1. Beth

    I had hoped one day to meet Fr. McCullen. After the web publication of Deep Down Things, he would occasionally contact me via email or on Facebook. I’ll miss knowing he was there.

    The site needs redoing, but Deep Down Things is available here: http://vincentscircle.org/ddth/

  2. Sister Linda Wimer, DC

    He was a great man. We will definitely miss him. He is our angel in heaven watching over us. May Father McCullen RIP. So glad his sister got to see him.

  3. Sr. Nenita Divina F. Pateña, DC

    May God reward him with an everlasting peace and entry to God’s kingdom. He will live on in his writings which are so full of wisdom and holiness.

    I am a Daughter of Charity from the Philippines. Just a couple of days ago we also buried our former Visitatrix. Sr. Ramona Fuentes, DC. She was a former missionary to Thailand and lived there for about 2 decades. Sr. Ramona was also the Seminary Directress ( for more than 10 years of the Philippine Province) of our new General Councillor for Asia, Sr. Ma. Teresa L. Mueda, DC.

    When Jesus Christ asks Father McCullen the question, “Where are the others?” then he can tell Jesus that he had brought along Sr. Ramona with him. .

  4. Sr. Rebecca Felizardo, DC

    We join the Vincentian Priests in praying for the eternal repose of Fr. McCullen…. He died the whole world is celebrating Christmas …the birth of Jesus…. what a meaningful death for him.. May he rest in Peace.

  5. K. Harte

    A very humble man with a lovely smile who radiated a gentleness for all people. Like all Daughters of Charity and Vincention priests, his life and mission was totally for others. Go now Fr. Richard and rest easy with the Lord for whom you so faithfully served. Kathleen Harte, Cork, Ireland

  6. Fr.Rolando S. DelaGoza

    It is with a heavy heart that I read about the death of Fr.Richard McCullen CM, the Superior General of the Congregation. I have known him for many years, including the years when I served as Provincial Visitor of the Philippines. I remember his kindness, patience and generosity towards all. It was a pretty sad time in the history of the Philippines as a country and as a Province but we survived thanks to him. I know the Good Lord will be kind and happy to welcome Him in His Presence. Requiescat in Pace.

    Fr. Rolando S. DelaGoza,CM

  7. Sister Anne-Marie Magermans

    What a saintly and humble priest did I met on my way, in the person of Father McCullen, during 33 years: as Generale Counselor and Archivist at Paris, and since my return to the Netherlands until now. So, I feel very privileged.
    Sure, I miss now his “deep down things” in our writings but I feel also his nearness to us in the Lord who he loved so intensely. Now he might be our intercessor in Heaven.
    “adieu, mon Père !”

  8. M Murphy

    Very sorry to learn of the death of Fr McCullen. He was one of the most inspirational priests I ever met – may he rest in peace.

  9. Evan Salholm

    I remember many lovely conversations with Fr. McCullen in St.Patrick’s College and at Sibill Hill.
    We discussed music,literature and much else. Though I am a doubting Thomas I could clearly see the goodness and holiness of the man. He was one of those rare men who inspire peacefulness and calmness in those who came into contact with him. He will be greatly missed.

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