Make Room for Hope – Sharing God’s Love - Holiness - Don't Worry

Lynn L'Heureux
February 9, 2015

Make Room for Hope – Sharing God’s Love – Holiness – Don’t Worry

by | Feb 9, 2015 | Society of St. Vincent de Paul


Make Room for Hope – Sharing God’s Love – Holiness – Don’t Worry

Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday February 10 2015

Dear Vincentian Family: God of healing, find us in our dark places and help us to feel your presence, even as we slam you with our doubts and questions. In the midst of suffering, show us we cannot deserve suffering or earn relief. Teach us to seek grace in all places, especially where we are experiencing pain and confusion, that we might know your peace in all things. For the grace to cry out to God in suffering for ourselves and those we serve, and to receive what He offers without trying to earn it, we pray to the Lord. Amen.

Make Room for Hope – Yes we can complain and mope, but that takes up most of the room for hope. Hope is the one thing we should always have and give to others. Last Sunday’s Gospel (Mark 1-39) gives us hope. Jesus healed and cast out demons as we read in the previous Gospel. We as Vincentians follow in the footsteps of Jesus to cast out poverty and give hope and dignity. The best gift we bring others is the gift of our friendship. When visiting in their home whether that be prison, hospital, institution, low cost housing or a home. Each of us must make this place Holy ground in terms of dignity and hope. We serve Jesus in this place. We are all sinners and not one of us is better than the other. We all deserve hope, love and dignity. Follow His footsteps.

Sharing God’s Love – The best gift we can give to God is sharing His love with others and especially those in poverty. When reading Scripture do you ever notice how Jesus gains strength and endurance from the Father’s love? Jesus used great energy in meeting the needs of so many people. There just seemed no end to those who needed His touch. Jesus needed time alone with the Father and we do too. Think about what God’s guidance and companionship can do for us. We truly need to share God’s love with those we serve and we need to entrench ourselves in it as well. Every gift we receive from God is returned when we give to others. He deserves the return gift. The best gift we can return is our service to those we serve. We serve with love the Father’s Son in all those in need.

Holiness – It is what we long for and what we need. We are all called to holiness. When we see the words and are challenged to strive for it, we say, “Who me”? It seems a little scary and kind of out there. We are called to holiness, though and we should try to answer the call. I don’t think it means we have to become a martyr, but we should strive to be saints. It seems way out of reach, but in reality it is only as close as being with God, who as we know is always with us. Pray each day for holiness. I guess some may want to start by praying to be better, but soon we will all believe we are meant to be holy, not holier than thou. Many are now holy and you see it in their service to those in poverty. They serve without judging and their only reward is to make things better for those who call for help. Praying for them and serving them without disgust. This is holiness. Walking closely with God and asking Him to lead is holiness. Being a servant is holiness. Therefore Vincentians practice holiness.

Don’t Worry – When we trust in God, we have found the cure for worry. It is the miraculous power of trust. I often write, give it to God. We sometimes think He is too busy, but that is false. He is never too busy, so put your trust in Him. Trust is a sure fire cure for easing worry. When we accept God as being in charge, there are no worries. Place each person we serve in God’s hands and He will help us. There will not be a need to worry. God has given us the task of service to those in need. We will never be abandoned. Know that we are never alone. What a good feeling this is. Think of what it means not to worry. It is true freedom, another gift from God. Place your trust in Him. It is a miraculous gift.

Sunday was International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking. Please pray. This day is encouraged by Pope Francis. It is celebrated on the feast day of Saint Josephine Bakhita (1869-1947), a former Sudanese slave who eventually was freed and became a nun. Pray for those in Consecrated life as well. Have a good week



Lynn L’Heureux is Special needs co-coordinator & Advisor of the Society of St Vincent de Paul Calgary Alberta Canada.

Her newsletter is translated into 3 languages, hopefully soon to be 4. They have a group which brings the prayer into China and it is translated into Mandarin and other Chinese dialects.


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