What to give the homeless at Christmas

John Freund, CM
December 25, 2009

Some practical suggestion on how and what to give the homeless.  E.g 1) Give warmth, 2) Give protection, 3), 4) Give joy and 5) Give understanding. Visit this San Francisco Chronicle article by an internist physician for some very practical insights and details.

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  1. Georgia Hedrick

    And–what do we give to the undocumented immigrant, or their wives who may be U.S.Citizens? What do we give them? Anybody out there doing something for them? Please tell me if there is someone.

    I know that the U.S. government splits up families, regardless of consequences, once they ‘catch’ the undocumented worker. Oh yeah, it’s only on the 3rd ‘catch’ that they deport the UW (undocumented worker–I gotta shorten it) back to their home country. Then what happens?

    I know a young couple to whom this happened. The wife, a U.S. citizen happened to have the bad fortune to fall in love and marry a UW. Then he was caught for the 3rd time and shipped back to Mexico. He can try for a Visa in 10 years–right, 10 years. Upon his removal back to Mexico, his wife, the U.S. citizen, had her first total breakdown at age 23 and sat staring for hours and days into the nothingness before her. That’s when the voices started talking to her and certain colors seemed important over others. That’s when she stopped eating, showering, taking care of herself. That’s when she was committed to a mental hospital. After all, she now was to wait for 10 years for her husband.

    A week passed, and she was released into the care of her parents. But, she couldn’t keep a steady job–she was driven to go home to Mexico to her husband. Another breakdown. But she is waiting in Mexico for the years to pass, if she could just remember them. Her husband lives with his parents and 12 siblings in an adobe house–two room. His family thinks she is ‘lazy’ because she just sits and stares.

    Yet, she is an American citizen who just wants to be married, and care for, and safe with her husband. Her doctors in Mexico tell her parents that she should be in the States getting better care than they can give. But there’s that immigration thing–and she won’t leave her husband.

    Who will care for such a situation as this?

    Compound this by the hundreds of thousands of families split up, who have children, and some are with the non-citizen parent in Mexico, and others are with the citizen parent in this country. And they must wait, and wait, and wait.

    Who is out there uniting families?

    Anyone? Please tell me! gh

  2. Georgia Hedrick

    By the way, on further research, I learned from several immigration lawyers: there is no longer any such 10 year waiting period. The young man can NEVER, EVER COME BACK to the U.S. Not ever. Now I understand why his wife moved back to Mexico with him. Now I understand her mental breakdown. gh