Daily Reflection – December 8

"We should overcome our sensitiveness, paying little attention as to whether we are addressed or not, or to the degree of affability with which we are treated, but let us try to gain all hearts by cordiality and support." - St. Louise de Marillac - Lord, no matter how...

Daily Reflection – December 6

"Indiscreet zeal is not good-- people often spoil good works by rushing ahead and by acting according to their own inclinations which, contrary to common sense, make them think that the good they see to be done is feasible and timely, although this is not so; their...

Daily Reflection – December 5

"I must jog along the allotted path through all its windings and weariness until it brings me home where all tears shall be wiped away, and sorrow and sighing be heard no more. In the meanwhile, Courage!" - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - My way to you, Lord, has often been...

Daily Reflection – December 2

"The world sometimes censures us for not conforming to certain of its requirements; but it is edified when it discovers that we are influenced by principles of virtue, whilst it justly condemns those who are gained over by its false applause." - St. Louise de Marillac...

Reflections Quotes