Daily Reflection

"I am asking Our Lord that He Himself lead you by the hand." (CCD 1:594) - St. Vincent de Paul - As a parent gently leads a child on the right path, so you, Lord, lead me. I am grateful for the care you take of me and of those in my charge.

Daily Reflection

"As only a great necessity would make us decide to give remedies to a sick person in a violent attack of fever, so we should not generally reprove anyone at the very time they commit a fault." - St. Vincent de Paul - Father, when I have been hurt, my first reaction is...

Daily Reflection

"Look up: the highest there were the lowest here and coveted most the poverty and humility which accompanied them and our Master every step of his suffering life." (CW 2:156) - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - When I tend to take a narrow view of my situation and am overly...

Daily Reflection

"Why should your soul not be filled with confidence since, by the mercy of Our Lord, you are his beloved daughter/son?" (CCD 1:84) - St. Vincent de Paul - Sometimes I fail to pray with the confidence of one who is beloved of God. Help me to claim my inheritance, Lord.

Daily Reflection

"Do not expect great things from anyone who does not know how to entertain himself with God." - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, you know my heart even when I fail to listen to you. Perhaps my lack of progress is because I am not as faithful to prayer as I should be. Teach...

Daily Reflection

"I do not think it expedient for you to relieve yourself by imparting your little annoyances to this one or that. A good stomach digests everything, while a delicate one ejects what it cannot endure. Oh, how good it is to keep our affairs between God and ourselves!"...

Daily Reflection

"There is no state in the world that has not its bitterness and crosses, and which therefore does not make us desire to embrace some other condition." (CCD 7:203) - St. Vincent de Paul - Without the cross, there could be no resurrection. Lord, when I complain about my...

Daily Reflection

"A fault may serve for our advancement when it serves to humble us." (SW: 285) - St. Louise de Marillac - Lord, make me aware of the prejudice, jealousy and other faults to which I so often yield. I am humbled by your love for me in spite of these imperfections.

Daily Reflection

"Sickness is not an evil which we should fear, but a most efficacious means of sanctifying our souls. To murmur when God sends it is to complain of his having done us good." (CCD 10:405) - St. Vincent de Paul - When I am ill, I will do my best not to complain. Lord,...

Daily Reflection

"The reward of sacrifice is peace." (Possibly based on CW 2:715) - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Lord, every sacrifice has its price as well as its reward. Bless me with that peace of mind which comes from knowing nothing I do goes without your notice.

Reflections Quotes