Daily Reflection – June 27

"One of the most powerful reasons to induce us to love God is the conviction we enjoy that He loves us." - St. Louise de Marillac - Blessed, Lord, I am humbled every time I think of your unconditional love for me— a love that knows no limits. Help me extend that same...

Daily Reflection – June 26

"Our happiness lies in the cross; even Our Lord did not will to enter his glory except through suffering." - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, I'll never fully understand the mystery of suffering. All I ask is that you keep giving me the grace to use it well as a means of...

Daily Reflection – June 25

"This union of my soul with God is my wealth in poverty and joy in deepest affliction." - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - O God, see my poverty and have pity on me. Enable me to share freely the gifts you have given and find true contentment even in the middle of pain and...

Daily Reflection – June 24

"There are very few for so much work! Our Lord will have to labor with you." - St. Vincent de Paul - When the volume of work overwhelms me and I am discouraged because of shortages of staff, remind me Lord, that it only takes a small piece of yeast to leaven dough and...

Daily Reflection – June 23

"Continue to look after your sick and your little girls, in union with the care Our Lord took of the sick and little children— services which he strongly recommended to others. Life is short and great is the reward." - St. Louise de Marillac - In your lifetime, Lord,...

Daily Reflection – June 22

"I beg Our Lord that in his goodness he may animate you with his true Spirit." - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, your love is so great it extends beyond all boundaries of human understanding. Enkindle in me a great desire to spread your kingdom to all those with whom I...

Daily Reflection – June 21

"What are our real trials? By what name shall we call them? One cuts out a cross of pride, another of causeless discontent, another one of restless impatience or peevish fretfulness. But is the whole any better than children's play if looked at with the common eye of...

Daily Reflection – June 20

"Since God has entrusted to you the care of the family, he will impart to you the requisite qualities for the proper discharge of that duty. Let him act and do not be disturbed when things go against your wishes. Be particularly on your guard not to give pain to...

Daily Reflection – June 19

"How fortunate you are to have such a large number of sick to look after! Oh how obvious it is that God loves you since he gives you so many opportunities of serving him! Continue to do this for love of him, with all the necessary gentleness, care, and charity." - St....

Daily Reflection – June 18

"Our Lord will be your consolation; this I ask of him for you with all my heart." - St. Vincent de Paul - How comforting it is to know that in all the times of my life, the good and the bad, you are here and your presence brings peace and healing to my spirit.

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