Daily Reflection – January 13

"You will be judged not on efficiency and success, though these must be sought for, but on love; and your professional work must be the channel through which you express your love." - Rev. Joseph Jamet, C.M. - Lord, your ways are not my ways. Sometimes I find myself...

Daily Reflection – January 12

"Aid the sick in a constructive way and call upon their cooperation." - St. Vincent de Paul - Sometimes sick people fail to cooperate because they are afraid or disturbed by their lack of control over their situation. Help me, Lord, to be a sensitive listener so I can...

Daily Reflection – January 11

"True charity, in our century, consists less in giving relief than in understanding and sustaining the effort for liberation which is agitating the classes and the minority groups." - Mother Suzanne Guillemin, D.C. - O God, purify me of all my personal prejudices....

Daily Reflection – January 10

"God accepts the undertakings of one who presents things frankly just as they are." - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, I want to be open and honest in everything I do or say. Teach me to be truthful without subterfuge, neither embellishing nor minimizing the facts as I see...

Daily Reflection – January 9

"When in charity we feel we must give some spiritual counsel, we must never be so egotistical as to expect a hungry man, or one distracted by worry over the rent to listen to our words about God until we have helped to relieve his misery." - Bl. Frederic Ozanam -...

Daily Reflection – January 8

"Though the doctor is a member of the staff, he has need of your intelligent and devoted cooperation." (CCD 10:540) - St. Vincent de Paul - Heavenly Father, it is so important in this day and age for physicians and staff to work as a team. Keep me mindful that the...

Daily Reflection – January 5

“Come now, let us engage ourselves with renewed love to serve the poor, and let us even seek out the poorest and most abandoned of all.” (CCD 11:349) – St. Vincent de Paul – Fill me Lord with fresh enthusiasm for my service to your poor. Keep me faithful to the...

Reflections Quotes