Daily Reflection

“God does not ask us to keep an account of the visible fruits of our charity; he asks us simply to love ‘with all our strength’. He does not ask us to give him the world, but to ‘give him ourselves’.”
– Rev. Joseph Jamet, C.M.

– Today, Lord, I offer myself to you with all my gifts, desires and good intentions. I am grateful that you accept me and love me as I am.

Daily Reflection

“Small negligences create the greatest useless expense.”
– St. Vincent de Paul

– Being a faithful steward involves attention to many details, if useless expense is to be prevented. Lord, teach me how to properly care for what is placed in my charge because these things belong to the poor and not to me.

Daily Reflection

– Writing to the rich, Bl. Frederic wrote:
“Thrift is not the first of virtues. Spend freely and wisely where money can provide work and relieve distress.”
– Bl. Frederic Ozanam

– Lord, help me to be open-handed in giving my time and resources to the service of those most in need.

Daily Reflection

“Some persons look and never see; others see and never look.”
– St. Vincent de Paul

– Lord, is it possible to have sight and yet be blind? Never let me be so preoccupied with my own temporal concerns that I blot out the needs of my poor brothers and sisters who have so little, while I have so much.

Daily Reflection

“We cannot have peace with God, with our neighbor and with ourselves, unless Jesus Christ grants it to us.” (SW: 197)
– St. Louise de Marillac

– Teach me how to pray, Lord, remembering that you are always willing to provide me with what I need if I but ask.

Daily Reflection

“We should consider that day happy in which we have either prevented any evil or done any good.”
– St. Vincent de Paul

– Lord, empower me to be your instrument of peace today, realizing that even one person can make a difference.

Daily Reflection

“What can shut us out from the love of Him who will ever dwell within us through love?” (CW 1:266)
– St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

– Divine Lord; let nothing ever separate me from your love, on which I greatly depend.

Daily Reflection

“Have the courage to own up to one’s omissions and blunders.” (CCD 9:219)
– St. Vincent de Paul

– To admit to my failures takes a lot of humility and courage. Rather than yielding to despondency, let me see these occasions as times of growth, painful as they may be.

Daily Reflection

“Charity opens the heart and triggers dialogue so much desired by the Church. It unveils to the poor man, the true image of God.”
– Rev. Joseph Jamet, C.M.

– Lord, keep me mindful that few problems will not respond to dialogue undertaken with good will and respect.

Daily Reflection

“Always, the hand of God is outstretched for those who wish to clasp it.”
– St. Vincent de Paul

– Lord, what would I ever do without your support? Take my hand and lead me because so often I don’t know where to go or what to do.

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