Daily Reflection

"The work of Our Lord is dependent less upon many workers, than upon the fidelity of the few He calls." (CCD 3:66-67) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, you know my many human weaknesses and inability to do anything good without your help. Make me strong in faith and true...

Daily Reflection

"It suffices that God sees our hearts." (CCD 7:517) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, how painful it is to be misunderstood! At those times, instead of trying to justify myself, I will remember your example and remain in peace.

Daily Reflection

"You will help others more by the peace and tranquility of your heart than by any eagerness or care you can bestow on them." (CW 3b:84) - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Use me, Lord, as an instrument of your peace today. I want to extend your love to those I meet,...

Daily Reflection

"When the Spirit of God dwells in souls, he delivers them from that weakness which makes them ask, 'What will people say?'" (SW: 269) - St. Louise de Marillac - Deliver me, Lord, from being overly concerned about the opinions of others when the only important thing is...

Daily Reflection

"Charity is like a flame which soars aloft. When present in a soul, charity raises it aloft to God and draws God to it in such a way that if you could see the beauty of it, you would fall in love with it and be transported with astonishment." (CCD 10:452) - St....

Daily Reflection

"The best ingredients of happiness are: order, peace and solitude." (CW 2:83) - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Sometimes I look for happiness in the wrong places, Lord. Today I will think of ways to provide time for the solitude I need to recharge my spiritual "batteries"...

Daily Reflection

"We should assist the poor in every way and do it both by ourselves and by enlisting the help of others... to do this is to preach the gospel by word and by work." (CCD 12:77-78) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, make my love for you be like a living flame which spreads...

Daily Reflection

"I think God gives you enough courage to make good use of all the slanders; provided he be not offended, what do you care?" (SW:393) - St. Louise de Marillac - It is painful to know someone hates or dislikes me. At those times, Lord, make me strong enough to forgive...

Daily Reflection

"Picture to yourself that there are millions of souls with outstretched arms calling you!" (CCD 1:245) - St. Vincent de Paul - The needs of the poor are so vast; it overwhelms me to think of who needs help the most. Instead of dwelling on what I am unable to do, Lord,...

Reflections Quotes