"Perseverance is a great grace. To go on gaining and advancing every day, we must be resolute, and bear and suffer as our blessed forerunners did. Which of them gained heaven without a struggle?" - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Lord, when I am struggling with pain in my...
Daily Reflection – July 30
"Rely upon God, and you will have the fulfillment of whatever your heart desires." - St. Vincent de Paul What is my heart's desire? Sometimes I’m not even sure, but of this I am very sure, God's love for me is unconditional and in surrendering myself to it, I know my...
Daily Reflection – July 29
"Though truth and sincerity should ever guard our words, yet we should be careful never to offend others." - St. Louise de Marillac Lord, in the name of "sincerity" never let my words injure or embarrass others. Teach me to be sensitive to their feelings and treat...
Daily Reflection – July 28
"Free your mind of anything that troubles you; God will take care of it." - St. Vincent de Paul When my worries loom heavily over me, I will surrender them all to your care, Lord, and place myself under your loving protection.
Daily Reflection – July 27
"It may come to your mind that you have not enough intelligence to conduct so large and difficult a house. To this I shall reply that there will be two of you to do it: Our Lord and yourself, and with Him, all is possible." - St. Vincent de Paul Lord, you have said...
Daily Reflection – July 26
"How liable we are to err in our judgments respecting others unless we thoroughly know the motives of their actions." - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton How easy it is to rashly judge the actions of others! Lord, if I err regarding others, let it be on the side of charity.
Daily Reflection – July 25
"Evenness of temper is a particular virtue, a state which supposes an aggregate of all the virtues, an external manifestation of the peace and beauty of the interior." - St. Vincent de Paul How many occasions for petty aggravation come up during the course of my fast...
Daily Reflection – July 24
"...Our vocation is to set the hearts of men on fire, to do what the Son of God did, who came to set the world on fire..." - St. Vincent de Paul Inspire me with enthusiasm for your work, Lord, that others may be drawn closer to You by my example.
Daily Reflection – July 23
"The virtue of gratitude will prepare our hearts to receive the graces we need to serve the sick and poor with meekness and compassion." - St. Louise de Marillac Lord, I am humbled by the many ways you continually bless me and the great privilege I have of serving you...
Daily Reflection – July 22
"No matter what others say or do, even if the wicked succeed, do not be troubled: commit everything to God and put your trust in him." - St. Vincent de Paul If I place my trust in you, Lord, I will not be concerned about what others think or do.