Daily Reflection

"Night follows day, sadness follows joy, and opposition public applause, in order that our souls may abide in God alone, who is above all change." (CCD 6:1-2) - St. Vincent de Paul - Dear Lord, when I am surrounded by change and conflict, I look to you as my rock of...

Daily Reflection

"Humility is a virtue which Jesus Christ has exceedingly loved, and which He came to teach to the world. The most powerful weapon to conquer the devil is humility." - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, you never deny a humble, contrite heart. Since humility is truth, teach...

Daily Reflection

"It would never do to have hearts and fortunes sink together." (CW 1:107) - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - To fail at something without losing heart takes a lot of courage. I will pray for the grace to keep on forging ahead in spite of the obstacles I may encounter.

Daily Reflection

"Reputation is but an empty bubble when it is not founded on truth, and when established on this basis, it has nothing to fear." - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, it isn't easy to be totally honest and truthful in today's world. Help me to value integrity more than gain...

Daily Reflection

"Who are we to believe that we should be exempt from public calamities? Is it not reasonable that we should suffer with the rest?" (SW: 396) - St. Louise de Marillac - O God, times of trouble are inevitable. How easy it is to forget that those times can be a source of...

Daily Reflection

"Each of our days is marked with the protection of Mary, who is exceedingly anxious to be our mother, when we desire to be her children." - St. Vincent de Paul - Mary, you are such a powerful intercessor with your son. I commend to you, today, all the most urgent...

Daily Reflection

"Why should others be more persistent in persuading me to trifles than I in adhering to that which I know is right?" - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Sometimes, adhering to what I know to be a right course of action may require a great deal of courage, and open me to...

Daily Reflection

"Pride is a most pernicious vice, and the more to be dreaded as we are strongly inclined to it by nature." (CCD 11:45) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, I thank you for loving and sustaining me in spite of my foolish pride, which tempts me to believe I am better than...

Daily Reflection

"Be at peace and continue working as you have always done; the trouble you have already taken will not be lost. You know that after the rain comes the sunshine." (SW: 362) - St. Louise de Marillac - Dear Lord, when there doesn't seem to be a light at the end of the...

Daily Reflection

"Affability and meekness are very powerful virtues in gaining souls to God." (CCD 11:57-58) - St. Vincent de Paul - Heavenly Father, today, I will try to be pleasant and gentle with those who are suffering, remembering how patient and forgiving you are with me.

Reflections Quotes