Daily Reflection – March 2

"Every ward of a hospital is a chapel wherein Jesus resides." - St. Vincent de Paul - Whenever I visit a hospital, Lord, your presence is very near. May everything I say or do for the sick be done to comfort and console as you would have me do.

Daily Reflection – March 1

"To commit ourselves to Him for strength and refuge is the only relief from thoughts which would overpower the mind that did not resist them." - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Lord, teach me how to let go and trust you, so my faith can grow and my hope increase.

Daily Reflection – February 28

"Have foresight when tending your patients; anticipate their needs." - St. Vincent de Paul - Whether or not my work directly involves the sick, I know, Lord, the only way to anticipate the needs of others is to put myself in their place. Help me to put the needs of...

Daily Reflection – February 26

"We must never be surprised at the little misunderstandings which arise. The angels and the apostles disagreed and Our Lord permits it to happen in communities for a greater good. But it rests with us to avoid these regrettable circumstances and to become closely...

Daily Reflection – February 24

"The sick were brought to Our Lord to be cured, like that poor man with the palsy whom they let down through the roof. Is not this what you do in hospitals?" - St. Vincent de Paul - Sometimes in the routine activities of my day, I fail to see the value of what I do....

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