Daily Reflection – November 9

"To serve the poor is to serve Jesus Christ. O my daughters, how true this is! You serve Jesus Christ in the person of the poor, and this is as true as that we are here present." - St. Vincent de Paul - May I see your image, Lord, in every person I come in contact...

Daily Reflection – November 6

"May the radiance of your charity be a beaming light, and may there never appear amongst you, either in the community, or with outsiders, or in speaking about them, any rivalry, jealousy or that spirit of the world which inclines us to criticize, blame or contradict...

Daily Reflection – November 5

"God communicates himself more fully to the soul deprived of human consolation." - St. Louise de Marillac It is a great consolation to know you are always present within me, Lord, willing to listen, comfort and understand, even when there is no one else to support or...

Daily Reflection – November 3

"Foresight is a good thing as long as it is subjected to God and His plans-- but it becomes excessive when we put ourselves out to avoid something we apprehend. We expect more from our own endeavors than from God's Providence and we imagine we are doing much when we...

Daily Reflection – November 2

"One of the first rules of my happiness is to be satisfied with good in whatever degree I can attain it." - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Heavenly Father, even as an earthly father is pleased with the simplest show of affection from his child, I know you are pleased with...

Daily Reflection – November 1

"Insensibility prevents us from being touched at the sight of the corporal and spiritual wretchedness of our neighbor; it leaves us without charity, without zeal, unmoved at the offenses committed against God." - St. Vincent de Paul - Give me, Lord, a compassionate...

Daily Reflection – October 31

"Do you think this will discredit you? We would have to keep ourselves shut up in a box not to be exposed to some annoyance or other!" - St. Vincent de Paul - O Father, sometimes I am overly sensitive about the opinions of others. Never let these feelings prevent me...

Reflections Quotes