Daily Reflection – March 8

"Charity opens the heart and triggers dialogue so much desired by the Church. It unveils to the poor man, the true image of God." - Rev. Joseph Jamet, C.M. - Lord, keep me mindful that few problems will not respond to dialogue undertaken with good will and respect.

Daily Reflection – March 6

"It is an obligation for us to inconvenience ourselves for the service of the poor." - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, teach me patience in the face of obstacles I sometimes meet as I perform my daily work. Help me to do this work even when it is unappealing. With you all...

Daily Reflection – March 5

"Overcome your timidity and go out boldly into the slums and visit those unknown to you who have never come near your parish church." - Bl. Frederic Ozanam - What is my attitude toward the homeless, the derelict, the abused or the AIDS sufferer? Lord, give me the...

Daily Reflection – March 4

"God wishes you to attend to your patients' spiritual necessities as well as their physical needs." - St. Vincent de Paul - Sickness is a very vulnerable time in anyone's life. Heavenly Father, keep me aware that you are at work in those who are suffering and how...

Daily Reflection – March 2

"Every ward of a hospital is a chapel wherein Jesus resides." - St. Vincent de Paul - Whenever I visit a hospital, Lord, your presence is very near. May everything I say or do for the sick be done to comfort and console as you would have me do.

Daily Reflection – March 1

"To commit ourselves to Him for strength and refuge is the only relief from thoughts which would overpower the mind that did not resist them." - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Lord, teach me how to let go and trust you, so my faith can grow and my hope increase.

Daily Reflection – February 28

"Have foresight when tending your patients; anticipate their needs." - St. Vincent de Paul - Whether or not my work directly involves the sick, I know, Lord, the only way to anticipate the needs of others is to put myself in their place. Help me to put the needs of...

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