Daily Reflection – September 24

"Let us endeavor to grow more and more in the confidence that in whatever state we are placed by God we shall be secure, although we may think that we would be better off somewhere else." - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, when my confidence sags, and I find myself...

Daily Reflection – September 23

"Take every day as a ring which you must engrave, adorn and embellish with your actions, to be offered up in the evening at the altar of God." - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Although the actions of my day are usually so ordinary, I will make a conscious effort to do as...

Daily Reflection – September 22

"I wish you a new heart and an entirely new love for Him who loves us unceasingly and as tenderly as if He were just beginning to love us: all the delights of God are ever new and full of sweetness because He never changes." - St. Vincent de Paul - “I will give you a...

Daily Reflection – September 21

"How obvious it is that God loves you since he gives you so many opportunities of serving him." - St. Louise de Marillac - Thank you, Lord, for the privilege of serving you in the poor and needy, whether directly or indirectly. May there always be room in my heart for...

Daily Reflection – September 15

"The power to sin greatly increases our merit, if we abstain from offending God." - St. Louise de Marillac - Lord, you know everything about me— my thoughts, desires, and faults. Have mercy on me, forgive my sins and give me the courage to keep on picking myself up so...

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