Daily Reflection

"Have the courage to own up to one's omissions and blunders." (CCD 9:219) - St. Vincent de Paul - To admit to my failures takes a lot of humility and courage. Rather than yielding to despondency, let me see these occasions as times of growth, painful as they may be.

Daily Reflection

"Charity opens the heart and triggers dialogue so much desired by the Church. It unveils to the poor man, the true image of God." - Rev. Joseph Jamet, C.M. - Lord, keep me mindful that few problems will not respond to dialogue undertaken with good will and respect.

Daily Reflection

"Always, the hand of God is outstretched for those who wish to clasp it." - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, what would I ever do without your support? Take my hand and lead me because so often I don't know where to go or what to do.

Daily Reflection

"It is an obligation for us to inconvenience ourselves for the service of the poor." (CCD 7:52) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, teach me patience in the face of obstacles I sometimes meet as I perform my daily work. Help me to do this work even when it is unappealing....

Daily Reflection

"Overcome your timidity and go out boldly into the slums and visit those unknown to you who have never come near your parish church." - Bl. Frederic Ozanam - What is my attitude toward the homeless, the derelict, the abused or the AIDS sufferer? Lord, give me the...

Daily Reflection

"God wishes you to attend to your patients' spiritual necessities as well as their physical needs." (CCD X:538) - St. Vincent de Paul - Sickness is a very vulnerable time in anyone's life. Heavenly Father, keep me aware that you are at work in those who are suffering...

Daily Reflection

"Every ward of a hospital is a chapel wherein Jesus resides." - St. Vincent de Paul - Whenever I visit a hospital, Lord, your presence is very near. May everything I say or do for the sick be done to comfort and console as you would have me do.

Daily Reflection

"To commit ourselves to Him for strength and refuge is the only relief from thoughts which would overpower the mind that did not resist them." (CW 1:129) - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Lord, teach me how to let go and trust you, so my faith can grow and my hope increase.

Daily Reflection

“True humility will regulate everything.” (SW:20) -Louise de Marillac Lord, grant that I may become the servant of all, and the slave of no one or nothing. Free me from self-centeredness that I may find the liberty to live virtuously.

Reflections Quotes