Daily Reflection – April 12

"Each of our days is marked with the protection of Mary, who is exceedingly anxious to be our mother, when we desire to be her children." - St. Vincent de Paul - Mary, you are such a powerful intercessor with your son. I commend to you, today, all the most urgent...

Daily Reflection – April 11

"Why should others be more persistent in persuading me to trifles than I in adhering to that which I know is right?" - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Sometimes, adhering to what I know to be a right course of action may require a great deal of courage, and open me to...

Daily Reflection – April 10

"Pride is a most pernicious vice, and the more to be dreaded as we are strongly inclined to it by nature." - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, I thank you for loving and sustaining me in spite of my foolish pride, which tempts me to believe I am better than others. Forgive...

Daily Reflection – April 9

"Be at peace and continue working as you have always done; the trouble you have already taken will not be lost. You know that after the rain comes the sunshine." - St. Louise de Marillac - Dear Lord, when there doesn't seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel and...

Daily Reflection – April 8

"Affability and meekness are very powerful virtues in gaining souls to God." - St. Vincent de Paul - Heavenly Father, today, I will try to be pleasant and gentle with those who are suffering, remembering how patient and forgiving you are with me.

Daily Reflection – April 6

"Condescension in evil or dangerous matters is not a virtue; it is a weakness and a disorder." - St. Vincent de Paul - Be present, Lord, when my desire to be thought well of tempts me to take the easy way out and not challenge what I know is a wrong course of action....

Daily Reflection – April 5

"Your steadiness of conduct will never injure you, even in the minds of those who act differently from you, for all will respect and esteem you more for persevering in what you know to be your duty." - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Help me, Lord, to remain at peace when I...

Daily Reflection – April 4

"In order to acquire a solid habit of any virtue, it is necessary to form good resolutions on the particular acts of this virtue and be faithful in executing them." - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, only you can give me the courage to change the things within me that need...

Daily Reflection – April 3

"When we think that we have done our duty well, we believe that we have earned some credit and we wait for a reward. However, Charity is gratuitous; it is its own reward." - Rev. Joseph Jamet, C.M. - Lord, help me to understand the truth of these words and not expect...

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