Daily Reflection – August 19

"The poor cannot be judged by their outward appearance, not by their show of wit, for very often they do not look nor seem like intelligent beings, so rough, and homely are they." - St. Vincent de Paul - O God, teach me to look beyond external appearances and find you...

Daily Reflection – August 18

"Seek God in all things. In all your actions submit your motives to this unerring test: will this be approved by his all-seeing eye?" - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Even when I think my motives are the purest, I can still find a lot of self gratification in things I do....

Daily Reflection – August 16

"If we wish to give satisfaction to our good God, we must not stop to consider what we would like to do, but rather what he wishes us to do. Our Lord will know where to find you when he intends to give you other work to do." - St. Louise de Marillac - Lord, why is it...

Daily Reflection – August 14

"Our love of God is always opposed by our self-love, our love of one another by the miserable pride and pretension which creates jealousy, rash judgment and the pitiful dislikes and impatience which so often trouble us and wound charity." - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton -...

Daily Reflection – August 13

"While we dilly-dally with our plans, God raises up others to do what he had first asked of us." - St. Vincent de Paul - Sometimes, Lord, I am so prone to procrastinate, especially over unpleasant issues. Give me the courage to act today in one of those matters in my...

Daily Reflection – August 10

"Whatever may happen, you must not fret but rise above it and remain in peace. No harm can befall you if God does not will it; and if he permits it, it will be for a good end since, to those who serve Him, all things turn out for the best." - St. Vincent de Paul -...

Reflections Quotes