Daily Reflection – April 22

"There is no state in the world that has not its bitterness and crosses, and which therefore does not make us desire to embrace some other condition." - St. Vincent de Paul - Without the cross, there could be no resurrection. Lord, when I complain about my sufferings,...

Daily Reflection – April 21

"A fault may serve for our advancement when it serves to humble us." - St. Louise de Marillac - Lord, make me aware of the prejudice, jealousy and other faults to which I so often yield. I am humbled by your love for me in spite of these imperfections.

Daily Reflection – April 20

"Sickness is not an evil which we should fear, but a most efficacious means of sanctifying our souls. To murmur when God sends it is to complain of his having done us good." - St. Vincent de Paul - When I am ill, I will do my best not to complain. Lord, teach me how...

Daily Reflection – April 18

"The most glorious and desirable death is that which surprises us with arms in our hands for the service of the Lord." - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, death will hold no fear for me if my days are spent serving You in whatever way Your will is revealed to me.

Daily Reflection – April 17

"Night follows day, sadness follows joy, and opposition public applause, in order that our souls may abide in God alone, who is above all change." - St. Louise de Marillac - Dear Lord, when I am surrounded by change and conflict, I look to you as my rock of safety. In...

Daily Reflection – April 16

"Humility is a virtue which Jesus Christ has exceedingly loved, and which He came to teach to the world. The most powerful weapon to conquer the devil is humility." - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, you never deny a humble, contrite heart. Since humility is truth, teach...

Daily Reflection – April 15

"It would never do to have hearts and fortunes sink together." - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - To fail at something without losing heart takes a lot of courage. I will pray for the grace to keep on forging ahead in spite of the obstacles I may encounter.

Daily Reflection – April 14

"Reputation is but an empty bubble when it is not founded on truth, and when established on this basis, it has nothing to fear." - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, it isn't easy to be totally honest and truthful in today's world. Help me to value integrity more than gain...

Daily Reflection – April 13

"Who are we to believe that we should be exempt from public calamities? Is it not reasonable that we should suffer with the rest?" - St. Louise de Marillac - O God, times of trouble are inevitable. How easy it is to forget that those times can be a source of growth if...

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