Daily Reflection – September 17

“May God remain forever in your heart and give you the strength necessary for every trial.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, you know well what is in my heart. You know my every thought and desire. Strengthen what is weak and remove all that is...

Daily Reflection – September 16

“I ask God to be the heart of your heart.” – St. Vincent de Paul – Lord, I confide to you the needs of my family and all those I love. Protect them with your strength and keep them safe in your heart of hearts. Amen

Quote of the Day – September 16

What a great treasure is a good Missionary and how few people in this world are willing to serve God and His Church in purity of faith, detachment from creatures, and self-abnegation (VIII:367).

Daily Reflection – September 15

“The power to sin greatly increases our merit, if we abstain from offending God.” – St. Louise de Marillac – Lord, you know everything about me— my thoughts, desires, and faults. Have mercy on me, forgive my sins and give me the courage to keep...