The Spiritual Journey of Vincent

The Vincentian Encyclopedia has posted an article titled “The Paths of God and the Poor:  The Spiritual Journey of St Vincent de Paul”. The article is by  Fr Vinícius Augusto Ribeiro Teixeira, CM  .and gives an overview of the life, vocation and work of...

Was Vincent a thief?

In an article entitled “Myth Deconstruction: Vincent accused of theft” Father Ed Udovic presents the data relevant to the charge that Vincent was accused of theft in the very early biography written by Louis Abelly. Reflection: What is your reaction when...

Recreating place Vincent discovered his vocation

The Vincentian Studies Institute at DePaul University has commissioned the distinguished diorama artist Jeff Wrona to construct a large scale model of the church at Folleville, the site of the first sermon of the mission preached by Vincent de Paul on the Feast of the...