by John Freund, CM | May 16, 2011 | Sisters of Charity, Vincentian Family
“These comments on Scripture and on events of our time flow from the prayerful reflection and rich experience of our Sisters, Associates and colleagues. We are happy to offer them to you, and pray that these words will open your heart more fully to the living...
by John Freund, CM | May 3, 2011 | Vincentian Family
A Retreat with Elizabeth Seton: Meeting our Grace  “In this seven-day retreat, Meeting Our Grace, your director is Elizabeth Seton, founder of the American Sisters of Charity and the first American-born saint. Elizabeth assumed many roles in her life —...
by John Freund, CM | May 2, 2011 | Sisters of Charity, Vincentian Family
During their Assembly of Election held on April 30th and May 1st, the Sisters of Charity Of New York elected the following: Jane Iannucelli SC, President, Eileen Mc Grory SC, Assistant to the President. The following were elected as members of the Council, Kathleen...
by John Freund, CM | Apr 30, 2011 | Vincentian Family
The College of Mount Saint Vincent celebrates the 100th anniversary of the charter creating the College of Mount Saint Vincent on Tuesday, April 19, 2011. Â Originally founded as the Academy of Mount Saint Vincent in 1847 by the Sisters of Charity of New York, the...
by John Freund, CM | Apr 6, 2011 | Sisters of Charity, Vincentian Family
Sisters Vivienne Joyce, SC, & Mary Ellen O’Boyle, SC Sisters of Charity of New York prepared a beautiful reflection on the Mystery of Suffering in the writings of Elizabeth Ann Seton (Presented with apologies for not having posted it earlier!) Elizabeth Ann Seton...