by John Freund, CM | Oct 8, 2010 | Vincentian Family Haiti Initiative
In a feature complete with excellent graphics the Huffington Post features Zafen in its October 8 edition. Zafèn Haitian Microfinance Effort Engages Haitians to Forge a New Future. Zafèn has raised $140,000 in loans and donations that have funded 300 projects thus... by John Freund, CM | Apr 29, 2010 | Collaboration, Justice and Peace, Poverty: Analysis and Responses, Systemic change, Vincentian Family, Vincentian Family Haiti Initiative
According to the Huffington Post “Zafen, a new interest-free microloan initiative enabling lenders and donors to finance small and medium-sized Haitian businesses, may be just the ticket. That’s what four organizations that collaborated to launch...