SVDP Georgia on “Sequester”

SVDP Georgia on “Sequester”

Uncharted waters! ATLANTA – (March 1, 2013) – Today, the United States is moving into unchartered territories because of the sequester. The sequester will hit all government spending across the board with exceptions for some programs and military personnel, but the...

“I was a stranger and you welcomed me”

The St Vincent de Paul Society of Australia’s 2012 National Overview publication is now available online.  “I was a stranger and you welcomed me” As implied by the name, this publication of  25  pages contaiing many items contains an summary  some of work of the St...
Vincentians in Partnership Newsletter

Vincentians in Partnership Newsletter

Among the news items….SVP distribute 5000 Vinnie Packs to homeless! Reported in this weekend’s Independent Catholic News, SVP volunteers have distributed 5000 cold weather survival packs to homeless people through their soup runs and church projects around the...
Depaul UK – moving from homelessness

Depaul UK – moving from homelessness

Depaul UK in the North East is delighted to have been awarded £38,000 for a new service which will enable it to help young homeless people move out of homelessness accommodation and into private tenancies. The funding is has been awarded to three projects in the North...